Blogger Baby
Hopefully, by early in the New Year, contractual issues will be solved & treaming & downloads will be available. I'll , also turn the lyric availability on my website back on after I'm with my new web hosting company.
OK, I think many people know that I have at least 3 CDs worth of unrecorded originals, some of which many of you wonderful people have laughed and cried with for quite some time now.
Recording isn't free. And I used to sell thousands of CDs (Thank you God!)....but times have changed & people barely download music anymore (which didn't pay us near what CD sales paid, btw), let alone BUY CDs.
I can't even tell you how much less I earn at live gigs now because of that.
My next gigs, I will be selling prepaid downloads though....
Creating art & recording it, requires an enormous amount of time & effort. I REALLY wish I'd recorded more CDs while people still bought them. Crud.
I'm kinda shy about the whole crowdfunding, kickstarter etc thing. People say I shouldn't be....but I am. What do you think?
I've been approached to release on vinyl by a 3rd party, cut was, well, yikes!
Music is my job.
So I'm asking you all, if I released on vinyl, would you buy it?
I'm sure you've noticed I haven't allowed streaming, (That may change as early as today) because It pays practically zip. It took me forever to allow downloading. (too long really). If I stream, it will be the old CD, & I think I might only do it if I can reasonably backdoor monetize it by creating new fans that ARE "buyers". So I'll need a need a new product huh?
I really need to write in here more, right?
How's your summer going?
I've been such a busy little bee on multiple fronts the last month, I haven't even put my toe in the ocean let alone surf (that's just so wrong!!)
Seems like my only time in the sun lately has been during my daily runs. It was stinkin' hot today & I ran twice. Ahhhh, I love it.
For me, it really is awesome to run in the heat. (walking would be hot but while running there's a breeze so I don't really even perspire much until I stop, honest.)
While visiting family in AZ, I've jogged in the middle of the summer with the temp over 100 deg, many times. And many times.... I have gotten to hear think that's they think I'm nuts. Personally, I think it's nuts to stay indoors 24/7 in air-conditioning, sitting on a sofa watching TV, but that's just me.
Funny how family can be huh? I loved my Grandma H but she was once kinda hilariously, absolutely certain that there was something wrong with me because I constantly drank water from my ever-present sports bottle. Teehee. Miss you Grams...
I'm happy to let you know I'm booking much more these days. I'll let you know more as dates are set. I've also now joined forces with multiple combinations of some really talented people to play as different duos +. I'm not only doing my original songs but we are playing everything from light jazz (ala Norah Jones) to Newgrass (ala Lily Kershaw's "Bathed in Blue"). I'm really lovin' it all.
Other things are on the horizon too, I'll let ya know.
Hope to see you soon. Get your summer on!
Mary :-) (yes, I still love old school emojis, teehee)
Yes, I know the website has multiple issues with links etc..... Feel free to contact me about specific problems on the site that you come across, so I can fix those first. I've loved my hosting company for so many years but they are going through changes, and frankly just aren't that into managing clients' sites like they always were before....I still love them (so talented) but as the times are driving them to go into different directions.....I will need to be moving all the info I have here to a new give me time.
I finally simply had to let myself have a BIG cry this morning. I believe in being happy, but I just wailed. Albert & Bunny with cockedheads (& Albert's brow deeply furrowed), brought me their blankeys & toys....but I just cried. And cried.
I had finally watched the news...
So many people in dire circumstances. I know that just in #IloveHoustonalone, too many will be financially ruined long term. And since then how many more hurricanes? The hurricanes have flattened places where financially many have long barely held on by a thread as it was.
I don't know the terrain of so many areas, I just know when we vacationed in Grand Cayman, the highest point on that island was only NINE ft high! Where did they run on some of those islands?
And unknown to too many, the US has 16 territories, some of which have been hit hard.
And now Mexico?
So I let myself just sob, the empathy & helplessness.
I believe in being proactive & happy, but sometimes you just have to wail.
And then I'll calm down.
I'll donate more of what I can.
Pray for all of those in misery from these disasters & things happening in their lives.
I'll remember my mantra that "I can't change the whole world but I CAN make my little corner of it a better place".
I'll volunteer locally, give service to my fellow man. Live the love that Jesus taught.
I CAN comfort. I CAN lighten someone's load.
LOVE my family, be thankful, be ever so humbled by it all.
And Pray.
Download Music Please.
iTunes, Amazon, CDbaby Google Play etc. The only place you can get the cool Buddy Holly cover "Not Fade Away" though is at CDbaby. Hey, I gotta give the cred to my producer for those awesome tracks on that cut!
Just to recap- blah-blah bio stuff about me at CDBaby etc - 'Top prize winner of both The John Lennon Songwriting Contest and The Telluride Troubadour Competition, a featured MainStage Kerrville Folk Festival performer, "... An elixir for the soul" Helen Slater, actress. "Amazing voice & songwriting..." Wayne Brady'
And don't forget songs like "Not Fade Away" are recorded in such a cool way mostly because I was blessed to have GRAMMY nominated Jay Donnelan as my awesomely inspired producer. (Dream Weaver, The band- LOVE, David Foster & many, many more credits!) It was a fantastic time, recording tucked away in Jay's studio in Malibu Canyon. And look at who played on my CD & their credits?? You will be blown away. Absolutely top notch players & we recorded many of the songs all playing together at once. I was pretty green but it was so much fun!!
Yup, after on & off hiatuses, (we just won't mention the reasons), I have finally returned to downloading sites like iTunes, Amazon etc.....just as people DON't seem to actually feel the need to pay for music anymore, yikes!. Kinda creepy. (ooo that sounds bittuh!)
Personally, I still love to download full CDs of the artists that move me, (better yet, when possible, hard pressed physical copies), the quality is so much better & there is simply nothing like driving, uninterrupted listening to a full album as a complete work of art - with all the peeks & valleys of the musical journey - as only a full CD can deliver.
No, like many others, at this time, I do not stream. Many of you may not know it but if my music is on Pandora & other streaming music sources, they pay me practically ZIP as an Indie artist!! (I'm talking fractions of pennies!! nk). Well, actually they barely pay for even huge corporate artists & songwriters. That's why concert ticket prices are so high.
I don't know what the heck OUR lobbyists have been doing, but it certainly hasn't been protecting our intellectual property and livelihood. As much as I admire my many Silicon Valley genius friends, I'm disheartened that in tech, while they are so quick to protect their OWN intellectual property, they have long had no problem at all decimating many authors', visual artists' & especially music creators' ability to earn a living without constantly touring & selling CDs at shows.
Nothing I can do but.....create great work and sell live as much as possible. And ask you to PLEASE download, not stream when possible. If you turn on streaming & then you discover new artists and go BUY their music, fantastic. But if you only use it as background music, don't complain as MANY great Indie artists keep disappearing or so many other talents, you will just never hear. If you don't hear or can't find the kind of music that comes straight from the artist's heart to yours like you crave..... It is not free for us to create music & most often thousands and thousands of hours of Love Sweat & Tears- and YEARS went into not just acquiring our skills but also getting it recorded.
I've been blessed in the past to have sold thousands of CDs on my own, independently (thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!). In order to have the funds to record more music though, I have to get paid for my work. So I, like many other artists do NOT give everything away for free & stream.
I will always create music but creating recordings for listeners to buy has not been a vanity project for me. It's been a lively-hood. I give away demo guitar vocals mp3s (just ask) all the time but to actually record CD quality music, takes finances, plain & simple.
Thank you always for your very moving support over the years, especially when I was not performing at all. I personally, (maybe insecurely) wince at the thought of crowd fund-raising to record but I will probably have no choice but to get over it soon.
I know for too many years you've been asking for new CDs but my life got in the way. Believe me... I regret not recording the many, many other songs I have been performing for years.
I am so moved that many of you know the many, many unrecorded songs I've played for years, as well as the songs that sold so well on the old CD.
What is, is. And I am the type that just says, "Next!" & will find a way to make things happen, like getting more music available to you when you aren't at a show. In the meantime, thanks for when you do download, it does eventually find my music making pocket.
Btw, right now, I have NO idea where the money goes right now for Reverb Nation so, maybe you can skip buying through that one?
At my own site, your data is NEVER sold or even gathered except I get updates about what countries people are from & that's kinda cool at times. You DO know that FB etc for 'free' are so NOT really free at all, right? As your personal data information has become quite a commodity to sell, sometimes in scarey ways. I'm pretty "It's a great life!" kind of person's actually super creepy if you become aware of how many ways your info is being used.
Anyway.... support your indie artist, especially this curly-haired surfer girl, ok by downloading?
Love ya, Mary :-)
I had a wonderful summer. I hope you did too!
Sawdust Art Festival in Laguna Beach was a blast as usual. Always awesome hanging with my Sawdust tribe.
I'm finally REALLY booking again & even played twice in Laguna Beach, CA but did not play beyond California. Some (annoying but it will be fine) health issues kept me close to home. I think I might play at Winterfest in Laguna too this year so look for that plus random gigs around SoCal.
Last year, I barely broke an ankle bone last year, (from being too zippy on a slick floor, lolz). The bone healed in a jiffy yet I have a tendon or something that is STILL a bit painful at times despite PT etc....let's just say I didn't get to surf this summer either, Urgh! I just should have pushed them sooner because knew that soft tissue was the biggest problem, it didn't help that I changed medical groups either from a world class group (it was just too far away) to a group that is a world class pain in the butt. OOfFF! Finally pushing back and an MRI coming soon (after first they wasted yet more time with MORE X-rays that show a healed bone!) though will all work out.....but, I just had to cancel a few things because of it.
But the beach & bonfires & friends is still so much fun, right?
Sometimes, I swear though, this is all really a secret puppy plot by our Great Dane, Albert & adorable little scamp, Bunny Zuzu, to keep me home with them. They of course believe playing with them is my ONLY job. I do love them too - Albert is large even for a Dane & could easily jump the fence yet never does because since being rescued, he's so crazy happy & safely loved!
Goodness I miss Nashville. And Colorado... I still might show up playing in Utah, we'll see.
On my personal FB page you can watch some really fun publicly posted videos of the very last night, dancing & whooping it up to local favorite band World Anthem. Not even the videos can show how much fun we had though. You will just have to be there next time.
Don't forget to I have my Music FB page too where you can see pics etc.
I'll be posting more music on there as time & resources allow. Meanwhile, you can buy music at iTunes & CDbaby, Amazon etc.
I really enjoyed meeting new people when I played this summer. It makes my heart smile that my old song, A Room Up For Rent can still help some of you cry. It's an honor to have that beautiful exchange with you.
Btw yes, this website is getting overhauled. I'm hearing from you about issues, please DO continue to let me know about any links etc that are having problems, we are working on it..hang in there.
Love you, miss you, Mary :-D (I know keybd emogee are old school but I will always think they are cute)
I just love it when I can see my friend pins on pinterest!
See you on Instagram!
I’ve never been very good at denial, or blind faith...sometimes it seems like I question almost everything. I get the feeling denial is a lot less work.
I also don’t hold anger well for very long either. I know people like to say that forgiveness is best but I’ve seen valid anger keep some people safer.
I can only genuinely strive to be authentically happy, anti-apathetic & move proactively when I CAN to make a difference and leave the worst of it that’s TRULY out of my hands to God & NEVER forget the great things in my life!
Who knew a barely fractured ankle took so frickin’ long to heal? At least it finally actually looks like a human foot again. Yikes, it looked like a foot-ball forever.
Now, 4 months later though, I still can’t jog or surf!!! The Drs told me it would take a long time. I thought to myself “Nonsense! That’s just not gonna work for me! I have a LOT to get done.”.
I told the Drs, “I mostly have two speeds, zippy and asleep, unless I’m jogging” and they told me, I was going to HAVE to find some middle gears, & I would NOT jog again for many months.
Seriously? I thought to myself, “NONSENSE!”.
I hate that they were right! So annoying. It's like they knew what they were talking about or something....
ME by text: Honey I'm leaving the house to go march! MY SWEETIE by text: I'm nervous, please don't go or please be careful. ME by text: Baby, I'm marching in Laguna Beach, what do you really think is gonna be the hardest part ....? MY SWEETIE by text: .....parking. ME by text: :-D
It would be much easier to be brave if you were sure you were going to win the battle.
Be brave anyway...
Someone wrote this about me a little while ago, it seems nice but big-headed, prmotion is so awkward.
"It's no surprise that people like Wayne Brady, sit-com star Jenna von Oy & Jamie Jones - lead singer of multi-platinum All-4-One have all asked to write with Mary Coppin immediately after hearing her music. In one song she is endearingly goofy with her quirky lyrics that let you live inside her proudly off-center, joyful, belly-laugh filled world, & then in the next she will deepen your soul with her effortlessly authentic heart-speak. She’s for real. & she loves you even more than you will love her .”
(Wayne also said I have an an amazing voice, that was awesome. HE has an amazing voice -and even sang to me over the phone -thought I was gonna die!) Do I put that in there? Urgh.