I finally simply had to let myself have a BIG cry this morning. I believe in being happy, but I just wailed. Albert & Bunny with cockedheads (& Albert's brow deeply furrowed), brought me their blankeys & toys....but I just cried. And cried.
I had finally watched the news...
So many people in dire circumstances. I know that just in #IloveHoustonalone, too many will be financially ruined long term. And since then how many more hurricanes? The hurricanes have flattened places where financially many have long barely held on by a thread as it was.
I don't know the terrain of so many areas, I just know when we vacationed in Grand Cayman, the highest point on that island was only NINE ft high! Where did they run on some of those islands?
And unknown to too many, the US has 16 territories, some of which have been hit hard.
And now Mexico?
So I let myself just sob, the empathy & helplessness.
I believe in being proactive & happy, but sometimes you just have to wail.
And then I'll calm down.
I'll donate more of what I can.
Pray for all of those in misery from these disasters & things happening in their lives.
I'll remember my mantra that "I can't change the whole world but I CAN make my little corner of it a better place".
I'll volunteer locally, give service to my fellow man. Live the love that Jesus taught.
I CAN comfort. I CAN lighten someone's load.
LOVE my family, be thankful, be ever so humbled by it all.
And Pray.
Blogger Baby